Go Global with Your Books

Do you want to publish and distribute your book worldwide? Let us make it happen!
Our comprehensive services include translation, editing, proofreading, and publishing! All of this is wrapped up in a lightning-fast 30-day timeline! 🚀

How Does It Work?



First, we bring your work to a wider audience by translating it into English. This ensures your book can captivate readers across the globe. Our basic plan covers translations of up to 20,000 words, making your story accessible without losing its original charm. For larger texts, an additional charge will apply.


Keyword Research

Discoverability is key. We conduct extensive keyword research to optimize your book's visibility on Amazon. By targeting the right keywords, we help your book reach its intended audience, increasing the likelihood of success.



Next, we will refine your manuscript, enhancing clarity, coherence, and readability. We focus on the flow of the narrative, the consistency of style, and the precision of language for up to 20,000 words. This process ensures that your book is polished and professional.



Once editing is complete, we will meticulously comb through the text, correcting typos, grammar, and punctuation errors. This crucial step guarantees that the final product is flawless and presents your work in the best possible light.



We then format your manuscript to meet Amazon's publishing standards. From margins to font size, we ensure your book's layout is perfectly aligned for both Kindle and print formats, providing a seamless reading experience.


Amazon KDP Setup

We navigate the complexities of Amazon KDP for you, setting up your account and ensuring that all the details are in place for a successful launch. From choosing the right categories to setting up royalty options, we've got you covered.


Sales Copywriting

As your book nears publication, we craft captivating titles, subtitles, and book descriptions that distill the essence of your work. Engaging and persuasive copy is crucial for sparking interest and driving sales. We will provide you with several options to choose from, ensuring that this critical aspect of marketing aligns with your vision and has a significant impact on your book's success.


Launching Your Books

Finally, we hit 'publish.' Your book goes live on Amazon, available to millions of readers worldwide. We stand by to monitor its performance and assist with any post-publishing needs, celebrating each milestone of your success story.

Let’s Talk!

Interested in working together? Please fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!